If you are having difficulty with your instant access code please review the following or email support@bvtpublishing.com:

Instant Access codes start with the letter A. If your code starts with K or BVT you may enter that code in the Product Key section in the lower left hand side of the page.

If you need to redeem an Instant Access code go to bvtlab.com there is an option at the top of the page that says Enter your Instant Access code. When you enter your code you click the Black "GO!" button.

If you redeemed your Instant Access code but did not receive your Account Verification email please email support@bvtpublishing.com with your instant access code and request an Account Verification Code.

If your instructor is using the BVT Lab for online assignments and has provided you with a Section Code you will enter that after your redeem either a Product Key or Instant Access code.